14.09.2021 2 pm – 4 pm

Classroom Session 3
New Approaches to Housing

Marina Comojo Soto
Urban Studies 4Cities, VUB and ULB Belgium,
University of Vienna, Austria
Emancipating Women-Headed Households from the Domestic Sphere:
Learnings and Challenges from Collaborative Housing Experiences in Barcelona and Madrid

Rivka Geron Schild
Designer architect and project-manager
Flexibility counts:
Tasks and space organisation during Pandemics

Maryam Khatibi
Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano
Cluster Cohousing and Hall Cohousing:
Strategies before and during the Pandemic

Mirjam Stocker
Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU Vienna,
Requirements on post-pandemic social housing’s open spaces

Emma Dowling
Christoph Schmidt